4, 1948 will go down in the history of the Thamil People as a BLACK DAY. On this fateful day, 3 million Thamils of Ceylon exchanged their
white British colonial masters for the brown
neo-colonial Sinhalese.
Lanka, then Ceylon, would not have gained independence from British without the
support and consent of the Thamil people. In fact it was Thamil leaders like Sir Ponnambalam
Ramanathan (1851-1930) and Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam (1853-1924) who
fearlessly spearheaded the struggle for constitutional reforms that led to
independence. However, the Ponnambalam brothers in their evening of life
realised that Sinhalese politicians have cleverly used them to usurp political
power for themselves at the expense of Thamil people. Sir Ponnambalam
Ramanathan foresaw clearly that the democratic principle of one person one vote
in a heterogeneous society would ultimately lead to tyranny by the Sinhalese
a speech to the Legislative Council during the debate on the Donoughmore
Reforms, Mr. Ramanathan appears the precursor of the Thamils demand for a
sovereign state of Thamil Eelam. He asked-
“Why did the
(Donoughmore) Commissioners not study Ireland which is
next door to them?
They (Irish) said that we are one lot and you are
another. We cannot
work together. We must have separate governments.
Then I ask what
happened in the Dominion of Canada?... The officials
concerned said, it is
an impossible situation.... Let us give these
French descendants one
form of government and let us give the other
people another form of
government- forms of government suitable to the
interests of each of
these great big communities. Why did the
Commissioners think of
was Sir Arunachalam Ponnambalam who first (1923) exhorted the Thamils that "they
should work towards promoting the union and solidarity of what we have been
proud to call THAMIL EELAM. We desire to preserve our individuality as a
people, to make ourselves worthy of inheritance. We are not enamoured about the
cosmopolitanism which would make us `neither fish, fowl nor red-herring."
the first Prime Minister of independent Ceylon, gave the solemn promise to the
Thamil and other minority communities that no harm need they fear at the hands
of the majority Sinhalese in a free Lanka. Speaking in the State Council in
October, 1945 after all the Thamil members have unanimously voted for the
acceptance of the Soulbury constitution in a White Paper D.S.Senanayake said:
"Do you want to
be governed from London or do you want, as Ceylon, to
help govern Ceylon?
...... On behalf of the (Ceylon
National) Congress
(founded by Sir
Ponnambalam Arunachalam in 1919) and on my behalf, I
give the minority
communities the sincere assurance that no harm need
you fear at our hands
in a free Lanka."
did the unsuspecting Thamil politicians realise that D.S. Senanayake’s speech
was an exercise in subterfuge. In 1948, the very year of independence,
D.S.Senanayake blatantly went back on his promise and bared his true colours as
a champion of Sinhala chauvinism by depriving one million Thamils of their
citizenship. It was the first legislative
blow dealt against the Thamils before more to follow. It was also the
first step at ethnic cleansing of the Thamil people. The Citizenship Act No.18
was unique in that it denied citizenship to a person born in the country before
or after 1948 unless , at least, his father was born in or was a citizen of Sri
Lanka. The following year, the same
Thamils were deprived of their franchise rights which reduced the Thamils
representation in Parliament to diminish from 33% in 1948 to 20% in 1952.
The Citizenship Act No.18 of 1948 opened the floodgates for
scores of other discriminatory legislative and administrative acts which robbed
Thamils of their land, language, educational and employment rights.
Thamils and the Sinhalese are divided on the basis of territory, language,
religion, and culture. The enmity and
mutual distrust between the Thamils and the Sinhalese go back to atleast two
centuries before Christ.
a Buddhist chronicle written in the 6th century AD by a Buddhist monk portrays
the Sinhalese King Dutugemunu as the National Hero who defeated the Thamil King
Ellalan and unified the whole of Ceylon.
Though Buddhism infinitely values human life as being the one and only
condition from which nibbana (salvation) could be attained, Mahavamsa made a
virtue of killing in defence of Buddhism. This 2nd century B.C war has been
used to raise the cry of
Country and Faith, a lethal brew of jingoism,
by the Sinhalese-Buddhist chauvinistic forces first led by Anagarika
has perpetrated the myth that Sinhalese-Buddhists are a CHOSEN PEOPLE with the
special mission of preserving the Buddhist Sasana in Sri Lanka. Dr.Walpola
Rahula, a scholar monk, wrote that " For more than two
millennia the Sinhalese have been inspired that they were a nation brought into
being for the definite purpose of carrying the torch lit by Buddha." In Mahavamsa tradition the
Thamils are considered villains, invaders and half-animals. It is the Mahavamsa
theory that the Island as a whole belongs to the Sinhalese Buddhists only, and
that there is no place or only second class status for Thamils. This Mahavamsa
tradition is the root cause of the present armed conflict between the Thamil
Nation and the Sinhalese Nation.
Those who wish to see an end to the national
conflict would have to take into consideration the Mahavamsa mind-set of the
Sinhalese. For it is the Mahavamsa mode
of thinking which has influenced all the rulers, especially the governments of
post independence Ceylon.
Chandrika always refers to the One Nation, One Country, One People theory which
in effect is Sinhala Nation and Sinhala people. “We are Sri Lanka-
_One Country, One People”
proclaimed President Chandrika addressing a meeting held at Anuradhapura to
inaugurate the ‘peace campaign’ (Daily news, September 2, 1997). To put it
differently the Thamil people do not constitute a Nation according to the
thinking of President Chandrika. This is the reason why Thamil life continues
to be dirt cheap under President Chandrika’s rule despite her repeated
statements that the “War for Peace” is against the LTTE and not against the
Thamil people!
Chandrika addressing a SWRD Bandaranaike Commemoration meeting at the Brent Town
Hall, organized by the SLFP branch of the United Kingdom, said the late
Mr.S.W.R.D. Banranaike’s policies play a major role in the Government’s
strategy with regard to solving the ethnic problems. But everyone knows
S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike and his Sinhala Only policy was part of the problem and
never a solution. President Chandrika added-
one side as the LTTE continue to attack innocent people we have to wage war
even if we don’t like it. On the other hand between the LTTE and the Thamil
people there is a clear difference and
therefore it must be categorically stated that this war is purely to crush the
terrorists and the terrorists alone and we have no wish to harm or bring any
form of inconvenience to the Thamil people in general.” (Daily News, September
28, 1998)
Chandrika’s speech borders on hypocrisy and rings pathetically hollow in the
face of the bombing of Navaly St.Peters Church(1995), Nagarkovil Mahavidyalayam(1995), Puthukudieruppu(1999) and Madhu
Church (1999) in which hundreds of innocent Thamil civilians died. The mass
graves at Chemmani, the disappearances of 765 Thamil youths during 1995/96
after arrest by the army in the Jaffna
peninsula ( out of which 540 cannot be traced for ‘lack of evidence’), the
recent murder of three Thamil political detainees at Kalutura prison are a
damning indictment against the
government of President Chandrika’s genocidal war against the Thamil people.
people and their elected leaders were fed on a diet of lies, deceit, betrayals
and broken promises by successive Sri Lankan governments since
independence. They include the
tearing-up of the
Bandaranaike-Chelvanayakam Pact ( 26 July, 1957)and
Senanayake-Chelvanayakam Pact ( 24 March,1965 under pressure from Sinhalese-Buddhist
extremists. Under these pacts, a limited
degree of autonomy was to be devolved to the Northern and Eastern
a systematic state-aided Sinhalese colonisation of the traditional homeland of
the Thamils, the demographic profile of the Thamils has been drastically
altered. In the Eastern Province, the
once majority Thamil community ( 52.3 % in 1946; 41.9 in 1981) has been reduced
to a minority whereas the percentage of Sinhalese rose from 8.4. % in 1946 to a
staggering 32.2% in 1981.
Thamil people and their leaders have rejected both the Sri Lankan Republican
constitutions of 1972 and 1978. With
Sri Lanka becoming a Republic, sovereignty reverted to both the Sinhalese and
the Thamils. The Sinhalese are able to
exercise their sovereignty through the state of Sri Lanka but the Thamils are
denied their right to exercise their sovereignty through a de jure state of Thamil Eelam.
Thamil people in all the parliamentary elections held since 1956 had
consistently voted for the Federal Party which stood for a Thamil State within
a federal structure. In 1977, the
Thamil United Liberation Front sought and obtained an overwhelming mandate for
the restoration of the State of Thamil Eelam-status quo ante. LTTE’s
revolutionary armed struggle is to implement this mandate given by the Thamil
people. For well over a quarter of a
century, the Thamils pleaded for autonomy for their Homeland within a united Sri Lanka, but such non-violent struggles were crushed through the use of brute
military force. When all peaceful means
failed the Thamils had no alternative but take up arms in defence of their
birth rights. The armed struggle as a mode of resistance was not a choice but a
compulsion dictated by an oppressive state that was hell-bent on imposing
Sinhalese hegemonic rule over the Thamil people.
budget allocation for defence in 1999 totalled Rs.54.20 billion, roughly Rs.10
billion more than 1998. This is 21 percent of the country's total revenue or
12.5 percent of the total expenditure for 1999. This expenditure is more
than the total defence expenditure for
the first seven years of the war since 1983.
Lanka is maintaining the largest army in the world on a per capita basis. Sri
Lanka's population of 18 million has a standing army of 110,000. Ninety-five
percent of the army consists of the majority community. This means that there
is a soldier in the army for every 124
in the population. India has an army of 1.1 million and a population of 836
million which means a ration of one soldier to 836 people. On the Sri Lankan
ratio India has to have a standing army of 5.5 million......"
April 1998, the Paris Aid Consortium countries, including Canada, gave Sri
Lanka US$ 780 (1997 US$850) million as aid. Such massive foreign aid by the
western countries is oiling the military machine of the Sri Lankan government
to prosecute the genocidal war against the Thamil people.
have been widespread human rights violations by the Sri Lankan security forces
in recent times both in the North and the East. Arbitrary arrests, detentions,
torture, extra-judicial killings, disappearances, bombing and artillery
shelling continue be the order of the day. In the
city of Colombo and its suburbs (Gampaha, Wattala) thousands of Tamils were
rounded-up and herded to Police stations like cattle after cordon-and-search operations during unholy
hours merely on the basis of their ethnicity. The government is also dragging
its feet over the excavation of the mass graves at Chemmani.
The UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances says twelve-thousand Sri Lankans have disappeared, which is second only to Iraq's estimated sixteen-thousand cases.
ban on both domestic and foreign news media from visiting the war-zone or
reporting on military affairs is still continuing. Army organized conducted
tours are occasionally arranged to see only what the army wants them to see and
write only what the army wish. The
world at large is kept in the dark about conditions in the Northeast,
especially Vanni, in regard to the enormous human suffering endured by the
Thamil people due to lack of adequate
food, medicine and other basic necessities of life.
"Those who live
in fear seek security, and those in poverty seek
prosperity. Those who lack freedom wish it, and
those who live in turmoil seek order and peace."-Richard Mansbach