Newtons Third Law of Motion In Practice!
The third law of Newton has caught up with both President Bush and Prime
Minister Tony Blair sooner than any one ever dreamt. Both are proving Newton's
Third Law of Motion: For every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction.
This law is
exemplified by what happens if one steps off a boat onto the bank of a lake. As he moves
in the direction of the shore, the boat tends to move in the opposite direction. The attack
against Iraq, a member country of United Nations, was both illegal and illegitimate. UK and US short-circuited the Security Council
when they found there was no majority support for their resolution. What both did was to
knowingly jettison international laws and conventions and devalue the very institution
responsible for the maintenance of world order and peace. Under the UN charter only the
Security Council could authorise the use of force against a member country. In order to
justify the attack on Iraq, Bush and Blair lied through their teeth. Sadam
Hussein is an evil and he poses a direct threat to the national security of America,
thundered Bush. Sadam Hussein possesses atomic, biological and
chemical weapons of mass destruction.
He can deploy those weapons within 45 minutes cried Blair. Bush and Blair
also sheepishly claimed the war was not a war of aggression but a war to liberate the
Iraqis from the iron dictatorship of Saddam Hussein. There will be spontaneous
uprising, especially the majority Shias in southern Iraq, against Sadam Hussein as soon as
the first wave of coalition forces land in Iraq, they said. They were proved
wrong! This talk
about liberating people is a familiar subterfuge
of every invader to justify naked invasions thoughout history. President
Chandrika Kumaratunga said this from every rooftop in 1995 The
attack on Jaffna is to liberate the Thamils from the clutches of the Tigers. The Thamil
people are appealing to me to save them from Tigers. This of course was a total lie. In Iraq
everything has now gone wrong. Newtons
third law is proving right. Both Bush
and Blair have been caught red handed with their pants down. Both are in deep trouble not
because of Iraqis, but because of their own lawmakers. "This may
be the first time in recent history that a president knowingly misled the American people
during the State of Union address, either President Bush knowingly used false information
in his State of the Union address or senior administration officials allowed the use of
that information. This was not a mistake. It was no oversight and it was no error, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe said. In his State of
the Union address, Bush said, "The British government
has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from
Africa." This allegation
has also been proved false. The documents supporting such
assertion were found to be forgeries. An administration official said Tuesday the
president would not have included the information in his State of the Union speech if his
advisers had known it was false.
The pressure on the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, to explain
his Government's actions in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq has increased after he was
closely questioned by senior MPs, a day after the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee
concluded that the jury was "still out'' on intelligence claims about Saddam
Hussein's weapons of mass destruction the main justification for attacking Iraq. After the
lapse of more than 3 months no evidence have been found about WMD, although Blair has the
temerity still to brag I have
absolutely no doubt at all that we will find evidence of weapons of mass destruction
programmes.'' He insists that
the intelligence that his Government had at the time was accurate! Though Bush
announced on May 1 the combat war in Iraq is over, the real (guerilla) war appears to be
gaining momentum now. There are daily attacks against American and British occupation
forces in Baghdad and northwest Iraq, stronghold of Sunni Muslims. So far 29 US soldiers
and 6 British troops have been killed. Hundreds
have been wounded. The frequency and severity of the attacks are on the increase as
days roll by. Insensitive,
trigger happy, heavy-handed tactics in house-to-house search operations, including the use
of dogs, has inflamed sentiments among Iraqi Muslims. They justifiably consider them as an
insult to their dignity as a proud and civilized people.
To make
matters worse for the occupiers of Iraq, the purported voice of Sadam Hussein said I appeal to you, O Iraqis, Arabs, Kurds and
Turkmen, Shia or Sunni, Christians or Muslims, it is your duty to expel the aggressor
invaders from our country,'' on the broadcast by Lebanon's Al Hayat-LBC. U.S Army
sergeant on duty at a police station in Baghdad told journalists, "We have no
business being here." He said life is
miserable, hot meals, air-conditioning and decent bathrooms are not available and that it
is difficult to keep morale high: "We need to get out of here." His counterpart in the Iraqi police considers the
Americans arrogant and attributes their loss of public trust to this arrogance. The days when
one country can attack another country and occupy it forcefully without any consequences
has gone. There is no force on earth, not
even super-powers, which can conquer the spirit of freedom and dignity of people however
weak numerically they may be. Modern weapons can kill people, but they cannot kill the
spirit of freedom. America
learned it at tremendous cost in South Vietnam. Russia learnt it the hard way in
Afghanistan. Israel learnt it during two years of intifada
in Palestine. Now India in Kashmir,
Indonesia in Ache and Russia in Chechnya are learning it at terrific cost in terms of
manpower and money. Very soon America and Britain will learn it in Iraq. The world will
be better and safer place to live if people are allowed the freedom to decide their own
political destiny. The Iraqis, Kashmiris, Chechnyans, Tibetans. Aches, Kurdish and Thamils
should be allowed to decide their own political destiny.
It is terrorism for states to suppress freedom struggles by use of military
force. It is not terrorism to resist occupation by foreign armed forces. It is their
birthright and Newtons third law in
practice. |